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Standard Template V3 Documentation

1. Account Interface

1.1 Log In

Please note as of March 1, 2023, VPN is required for Cascade access.

Learn more about VPN access

If you can't log in or access your site, put in a ticket with the OIT Service Desk. Be sure to include your netid and the site(s) you need to access.

Using recommended web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, log in to Cascade with your Emory NetID and password. Your NetID must be all lower case.

Cascade log in screen
Bookmark this URL to log in: Cascade Login Page

1.2 Dashboard

By default, the dashboard includes the following widgets:

  • My Sites - Recently visited websites are listed here. Select one or use the site dropdown menu to view all permissible sites.
  • My Content - Access recently-viewed assets from this widget.
  • Notifications - Messages such as publish reports are listed here.

Customizing the Dashboard

  • Add a Widget: To add a widget, click the Add Widget button located underneath your name in the Welcome back box. Click the plus button (⨁) and select the widget type you would like to add.
  • Customize a Widget: To customize a widget, hover over the right side of the widget box and click the pencil icon located at the upper-right corner of the widget box. Make your desired changes or modifications, and click Save Settings.
  • Delete a Widget: To delete a widget, select the widget you wish to remove by hovering over the right side of the widget box and clicking the X button. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the widget from your dashboard.

1.3 Find Webpages & Documents

To find a site in Cascade, click the drop-down menu next to the Cascade Server logo Cascade Server Logo and select your site from the list.

Cascade sites button

Search for a site by typing into the drop-down menu.

Cascade site list and search

The folder view is an easy way to see and access the files and folders that make up the website. It is located on the left side of the screen under Site Content. When a folder is selected, right-click the folder, and a list of options will appear allowing you to select an option for further action.

Cascade folder treeCascade folder list

Icons for folders, images, and documents

The following icons are used to represent various assets in a website:

  • Web Pages Web page icon are shown with the paper icon
  • Documents (.pdf, .doc, .jpg) Photograph icon are shown with the photograph icon
  • Blocks Block icon are shown with the cube icon
  • Folders Folder icon are shown with the manila folder icon

Locating images and documents

Images (.jpg, .png, or .gif) and documents (.pdf, .docx, etc.) are typically stored in subfolders:

  • Images:  /_includes/images
  • Documents:  /_includes/documents

Editing existing documents

It is important to preserve references and links to documents and files when updating them. To update a file:

  1. Navigate to the document in Cascade (this could be an image, Word document, PDF, etc.).
  2. Click "Edit" in the top right corner of the window.
  3. Drag and drop the updated file into the window or manually navigate to the file on the computer to upload it. Click "Submit" to save the new version of the file.
  4. Publish the file if ready to do so to make it show up on the live website.

1.4 Search Bar

The Search Bar is always available in the top right corner of the web browser when logged in to Cascade.

Using search, enter keywords, titles, or names to quickly navigate to content blocks, pages, and documents. Click the search bar to reveal and navigate to recent assets.

Cascade search bar

2. Editing Pages

2.1 Editing Basics

To edit a page, navigate to the page in Cascade and click the edit button edit-button.jpg or right click on the page in the folder structure and select Edit. A screen will pop up with your page in edit view.

Cascade edit page interface

If you're editing your page but can't see any content, it's likely the content is contained within a row block or a shortcode block. You can right-click to edit any of the blocks directly from the page.


2.2 WYSIWYG Editor

A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is a Rich Text editor that provides tools to robustly format text in ways such as adding lists, bold text, links, and more.

Cascade's WYSIWYG editor may seem familiar to those who are experienced with text editors such as Microsoft Word, MacOS Pages, or Google Docs, but there are notable differences in some of the functions.

Common Formatting Options

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Link/URL
  • Insert an image
  • Insert a table

Line Breaks

  • To add a new paragraph break - Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac)
  • To add a single line break - Hold Shift and press Enter/Return
Examples of line breaks in the WYSIWYG


Heading hierarchy is an important component of structuring content, enabling readers to easily absorb and understand the page's content.

Proper heading hierarchy allows Google, Bing, and other search engines to better index and promote the website for new readers to find. Finally, proper use of headings is important for maintaining ADA compliance, extending our reach to more audiences.

Examples of heading levels

To apply a heading style. select  the text, then click on the Formats dropdown menu, and choose the appropriate subheading starting with Heading 2. Do not skip heading levels.

How to select formatting options in the WYSIWYG.

 Do not use Heading 1

2.2.A Copy & Paste Text

Pasting text from an application such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs can be done by right-clicking or with keyboard shortcuts.

  • Windows copy/paste - CTRL + C to copy, then CTRL + V to paste
  • Mac copy/paste - CMD + C to copy, then CMD + V to paste
Avoid unwanted Rich Text formatting

Text that is copied and pasted directly from a webpage or Rich Text editor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs will retain its formatting. While sometimes convenient, this often leads to display issues. In order to avoid this, use the Paste as text option in the Edit menu inside the WYSIWYG editor.

WYSIWYG paste as text
Clear Rich Text formatting

Select text that needs formatting cleared and click Format from the toolbar menu. Select Clear Formatting.

WYSIWYG Clear formatting

2.2.B List Styles

Different formatting options are available for a list that can modify the layout and bullet appearance.

Bullet appearance

Checks and checkboxes are an alternate to bulleted or numbered lists. Highlight the whole list and choose Formats > Custom and choose the desired style.

Check list and checkbox list

Alpha Upper Case, Alpha Lower Case, Roman Upper Case and Roman Lower Case list styles are also available. Highlight the list, click the Ordered List button, and with the whole list highlighted, choose Formats > Custom and choose the desired style:

  • ol-lower-alpha
  • ol-upper-alpha
  • ol-lower-roman
  • ol-upper-roman

 example of ordered list styles shown on a webpage

Column layout

Longer lists can be organized into up to four columns by using several CSS class modifiers via the text/code view in the WYSWIYG editor.

Available modifiers:
  • .list-cols-2
  • .list-cols-3
  • .list-cols-4
How to use the column modifiers:
  1. First, add the .list-cols rule to the <ul> or <ol> element.
  2. Next, add the modifier rule that determines the number of columns in the list, such as .list-cols-3 for a three column list.
  3. Optional: Choose a bullet appearance such as .list-ordered or .list-unordered.

Final markup:

<ol class="list-cols list-cols-3 list-ordered">
    <li>List item one</li>
    <li>List item two</li>
    <li>List item three</li>
    <li>List item four</li>
    <li>List item five</li>
    <li>List item six</li>
    <li>List item seven</li>
    <li>List item eight</li>

Final result:

  1. List item one
  2. List item two
  3. List item three
  4. List item four
  5. List item five
  6. List item six
  7. List item seven
  8. List item eight

2.2.C Create a Link

Select the word or phrase to be linked and click on the Link icon: Link icon

Internal Link

The internal link sends the reader to another part of your Cascade site.

Click Choose File, Page, or Link.

Create an internal link.

Next, navigate to the page or document to be linked to. There are two options for linking internal assets…

  1. choose an asset that was recently referenced from a list, or
  2. browse through all available assets.

The Recent assets tab is selected by default.

  1. Click on the Browse tab in order to bring up the asset browser:
    Cascade recent assets
  2. Select a link by clicking on the radio button (gray circle) to the left.
  3. Once the link is selected, click Choose in the top right corner.
  4. Last, insert the link with the bottom right Ok button:
    Cascade OK and cancel buttons
External Link

Use an external link for any URL not represented in your Cascade site.

Choose External, then type in or paste in the full URL.

Create an external link.
Email link

Choose the External link option. In the address box, type mailto: followed by the email address:


Create an email link.
Remove link

Select the link text, then click the Remove Link button: Break link icon

2.2.D Shortcodes

Shortcodes allow images or content blocks to be imported into a WYSIWYG editor interface.

Create a Shortcode

To include shortcodes in the WYSIWYG editor, select Yes next to Include Shortcodes.


Select a shortcode type:


  • Image: Choose the image file file.png and navigate to the file in the /_includes/images folder. Select whether the image will have a caption and fill out the caption information if so. Limit your caption text to 15 words or less:
  exampe of shortcode image

  • Block: Select the block in Cascade under /_content:
example of shortcode block

Shortcodes must be entered in a specific format.

[! (Open bracket and exclamation point)
shortcodename (Lowercase text)
!] (Closing exclamation point and bracket)

All together, a shortcode looks like this: [!shortcodename!]


Shortcode Display Style and Display Width

A few display options are available:


  • No Wrap: text will display under block or image regardless of display width percentage. 
  • Content wrapped right: text will wrap to the right of the block or image. 
  • Content wrapped left: text will wrap to the left of the block or image. 
  • Width 100: block or image will display at 100% width.
  • Width 75: block or image will display at 75% width.
  • Width 50: block or image will display at 50% width.
  • Width 25: block or image will display at 25% width.
  • Width auto: block or image will display at 100% width.
Insert Shortcode Into Content

Insert the shortcode text into the WYSIWYG editor where it should appear within the text.


Multiple Shortcodes can be included in the WYSIWYG editor. Simply add another shortcode in the editor and click the green plus icon to add another shortcode block or image.

 Shortcode names should be unique and may only contain numbers and letters - no special characters, including dashes (-) and underscores (_).

2.2.E Button styles

There are two appearance options for button links. To change the button link style, highlight the link text and click Formats > Custom and choose the desired style.

Primary and secondary button style options


2.3 Format Plain Text

Many of the input fields within Cascade uses Plain Text rather than the Rich Text of the WYSIWYG editor.

Apply formatting to Plain Text

Tags surrounded by opening and closing brackets [tag] can be used to format Plain Text.

Available TagsFormat Plain Text
Normal (used for title formatting in italicized text)[normal]normal[/normal]Credit Good Housekeeping Magazine
en dash[endash]
em dash[emdash]
Single Quote[sq]'
Double Quote[q]"
Smart Single Quote – open[opensmartsinglequote]
Smart Single Quote – close[closesmartsinglequote]
Smart Double Quote – open[opensmartdoublequote]
Smart Double Quote – close[closesmartdoublequote]
Registered Trademark[r]®
Less Than[lt]<
Greater Than[gt]>

2.4 Tables

Tables require an intermediate level of HTML knowledge in order to utilize them properly and to ensure that they are accessible to all audiences. Some rules of thumb:

  • Do not use tables to visually alter content or create special layouts
  • Ensure each table has a caption element
  • Assign accessibility attributes to table elements when appropriate

All content editors must thoroughly study these resources before attempting to create tables on Emory websites:

2.4.A Table Markup

To design for screen reader compatibility, table markup must be pasted in the HTML code directly to properly indicate and link the header and data cells. Tables provide users with information about relationships and how content is organized, and makes it easier for users to sort through information. When structural markup is in place, screen reader users are able to navigate a data table one cell at a time and will hear the column and row headers spoken to them.

Below is a recommended basic template that includes a table caption, header, footer, and data cells.

  <!-- CAPTION -->
<!-- Note: Ensure the proper heading level is chosen for the table caption --> <h2>Title or purpose of table</h2> <p>Optional extended description.</p> </caption> <!-- HEADER --> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Header Item One</th> <th scope="col">Header Item Two</th> <th scope="col">Header Item Three</th> </tr> </thead> <!-- FOOTER --> <tfoot> <tr> <th scope="col">Footer Item One</th> <th scope="col">Footer Item Two</th> <th scope="col">Footer Item Three</th> </tr> </tfoot> <!-- BODY --> <tbody> <tr> <td>Table Data One</td> <td>Table Data Two</td> <td>Table Data Three</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Title or purpose of table

Optional extended description.

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

2.4.B Table Elements


The <caption> element is required.

Give a title to the table that is specific and concise using a heading element (<h2> through <h6>). Further details can be added with the <p> element.


The <thead> element is optional but recommended.

Add columns with <th scope="col">, ensuring the scope attribute is applied for accessibility.


The <tfoot> element is optional.

Add columns with <th scope="col">, ensuring the scope attribute is applied for accessibility.

The footer columns may also be used to add disclaimers and other relevant information.

If a footer is added, it must be located above the <tbody> element. It will always visually appear at the bottom of the table.


The <tbody> element is required.

Add columns with <td>, ensuring the data is properly aligned with the corresponding <th>.

2.4.C Table Style Options

Class attributes can be added to modify the appearance of the table.

Unstriped Table

<table class="table-unstriped">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

Bordered Table

<table class="table-bordered">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

Borderless Table

<table class="table-borderless">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

Small Table

<table class="table-sm">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

Dark Blue Header

<thead class="thead-dark">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

White Header

<thead class="thead-white">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

Themed Table

<table class="table-theme">

Header Item OneHeader Item TwoHeader Item Three
Footer Item OneFooter Item TwoFooter Item Three
Table Data OneTable Data TwoTable Data Three

3. Images and Documents

3.1 Upload Images & Documents

Images and documents must be proactively uploaded to Cascade before they can be placed on webpages. To add a document or image to Cascade:

  1. Click the Add Content > Document/Image option.
    Cascade Add Content button
    This opens a fly-out menu - choose the type of file to be added.
    Cascade Add Content menu
  2. After selecting a file via the file browser or by dragging and dropping in a new file, click the three-dot (kebab) menu and Submit to proceed.
    Cascade kebab context menu
  3. Last, click the Publish tab, and click Submit at the bottom.

Publish an image by right-clicking the item in the left-hand file tree and selecting Publish in the dropdown menu.

You can access a repository of Emory-owned stock photography on Emory Photo/Video's Photoshelter account.

Documents can be linked to in the WYSIWYG editor in the same way pages can be linked to.

Document sizes are limited to 20MB. To add a video to your site, follow the instructions to upload the video to Emory's Youtube channel.

Download instructions for updating files

3.2 Accessibility, cropping, and optimization

3.2.A Images with Text

Generally an image should be a visual enhancement of text content and images should not contain text themselves. Images of fliers, for example, should not be used as they contain text that may not be perceived by users who cannot load images or have limited vision.

This image has text within, demonstrating the importance of providing alt text for accessibility

Accessibility issues in the flier image above:

  • A limited-vision user may not be able to process the information on the flier
  • A user with a slow internet connection, limited mobile data, or who has disabled images from loading on the page would not get any information from the flier
  • This image contains a colored link that may be perceived as clickable, even though it is not
  • The contrast between the text colors and background may not be sufficient for legibility
  • The background textures may interfere with the ability of some to perceive the text
 Do not upload images of fliers or any other text-heavy images to a site. To link to a flier, upload it as a PDF and add a link to the associated file.

3.2.B Portrait Images in Landscape Containers

Portrait photos are often taken vertically, and despite being a high-resolution image, cannot be made to fill a horizontal or landscape container.

In the example below, the image size is 1536 pixels wide and 1920 pixels tall (1536x1920).

This demonstrates that a vertical image cannot adequately fill a horizontal space

Issues with the above example:

  • The majority of the top and bottom of the image is cropped out of frame
  • The subject's face is too close to the viewer
 Use landscape-oriented images for landscape-oriented image containers.

3.2.C Small Images in Large Containers

Small images cannot be stretched to fill large containers. The image is stretched beyond its limits to fill the frame resulting in a significant decrease in image quality.

In the example below, the image is only 300 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall (300x200).

This demonstrates that a small image cannot adequately fill a large space

Issue with the above example:

  • The image is pixelated and blurry
  • Unprofessional appearance
 Provide a high-resolution image that can be scaled down rather than a low-resolution image that will be stretched.

3.2.D Alt Text

Alt text briefly describes the content of an image and is helpful to users who cannot/choose not to load images and users with limited vision.

The following example is a broken image link for which the Alt text is displayed as an image placeholder:


3.3 Hero/Opener Images

Hero or Opener images appear at the very top of a page, just below the main navigation menu. These images serve as a striking and visually impressive components meant to set the mood for the rest of the page content.


Hero/Opener Image tips

  • Upload professional quality, high-resolution images. Image size requirements vary by website and page type.
  • Use images that do not have text.
  • Photos of buildings, skylines, landscapes, and still lifes work best in hero images. Headshots or photos of groups of people might end up being cropped inappropriately depending on the user's screen size.

3.4 Image Cropping & Optimization Tools

Generally an image should be sized to the exact specifications provided in this document before it is uploaded to Cascade. Large images can slow the loading of a page, especially for those on mobile without access to a wireless connection.

Do not upload images exceeding 2000 pixels wide.

Desktop image optimization applications

There are many applications to choose from for cropping and optimizing images. Some popular applications include:

Online image optimization applications

These websites provide free drag-and-drop bulk image file size optimization. Use one of these services before uploading images to the Cascade server to significantly reduce load times on Emory webpages.

4. Pages

4.1 Page Types

There are several types of pages to utilize, and each type has a different purpose and look.

4.1.A Interior Page

Interior pages reside one or two levels down into the sitemap, depending on the website structure.

Interior page example
Interior page options
  • Interior Hero/Opener Image - Click the file icon File icon, navigate to the /_includes/images folder, and select an image.
     All Interior page Hero/Opener images must be 2280 pixels wide and 1282 tall (2280x1282).  More about Hero/Opener Images
  • Lead Text - A single sentence with slightly larger text. Plain text only; 5—20 words
  • WYSIWYG content - Learn more about the WYSIWYG editor
  • Short Width Content Blocks
  • Sidebar
    • Page Navigation - Choose Auto for an automatically-generated navigation based on the current folder structure. Choose Manual to build a custom navigation or quicklinks. Choose None to omit this style of links on your sidebar.
    • Link List Option - Select Yes to add additional sets of links to the sidebar.
    • Build Type - For each link set, there is an option to select a pre-created block of links that can be shared on multiple pages by selecting the Block option; or a set of links specific to the page by can be entered by selecting Build in Page. To create a new link list block, use Add Content > Sidebar > Link List option.
    • Sidebar Link List - Select Yes to enable
    Interior page sidebar example

4.1.B Article Page

These pages are timely blog or news entries one or two levels into the sitemap.

Interior page example
Article page options
  • Interior Hero/Opener Image - Click the file icon File icon, navigate to the /_includes/images folder, and select an image.
     All Interior page Hero/Opener images must be 2280 pixels wide and 1282 tall (2280x1282).  More about Hero/Opener Images
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Story Image - This photo appears after the title of a news article.
     All Story Images must be 1440 pixels wide and 960 tall (1440x960).
    • Story Image Caption - Plain text only; 5—15 words
  • Article Content
    • Author - Plain text only
    • Date
    • Caption - Plain text only; 5—15 words
    • Lead Text - A single sentence with slightly larger text Plain text only; 5—20 words
    • WYSIWYG content - Learn more about the WYSIWYG editor
  • Related Stories - This list appears at the bottom of the page after the Article Content
    • Content Type - Choose between importing an article page's content or manually entering article content.
    • Manual Article Title - Plain text only; 3—8 words
    • Related Story Image - Click the file icon File icon, navigate to the /_includes/images folder, and select an image.
       All Related Story images must be 510 pixels wide and 287 tall (510x287px).
    • Link - Link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address.

4.1.C Landing Page

Landing pages are generally one level into the sitemap and may feature a carousel or large hero image at the top.

Interior page example
Landing page options
  • Hero/Opener Image - Click the file icon File icon, navigate to the /_includes/images folder, and select an image.
     All Landing page Hero/Opener images must be 1920 pixels wide and 1080 tall (1920x1080).  More about Hero/Opener Images
  • Layout - Choose between an image treatment with a blue overlay that allows for more text or no overlay with a shorter amount of text, or text that appears below the image in either a short-width or full-width layout.
  • Heading - Plain text only; 1—3 words
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
    Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
  • Full Width Content Blocks

4.1.D Homepage

The Home page, also known as "index", has a Hero image or carousel spread across the top just below the main navigation and Full Width Content Blocks.

This page is laid out to help varying audiences navigate to the information they seek.

Below is a Home page with a Hero/Opener image:

Home page example with Hero/Opener image

Below is a Home page with a Carousel with Thumbnail Indicators:

Home page example with Carousel
Home page options

The Home page can have either a static Hero/Opener image, or a rotating Carousel of images.

Option One: Hero/Opener Image
  • Single Image Layout - Choose between an image treatment with a blue overlay that allows for more text or no overlay with a shorter amount of text.
  • Interior Hero/Opener Image - Click the file icon File icon, navigate to the /_includes/images folder, and select an image.
     All Landing page Hero/Opener images must be 1920 pixels wide and 1080 tall (1920x1080).  More about Hero/Opener Images
  • Heading - Plain text only; 1—3 words
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
    Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
Option Two: Carousel
  • Carousel - A rotating series of images with captions
    • Include Thumbnails - Small, square thumbnails appear beneath the carousel, replacing the standard plain rectangle indicators
    • Slide Image - Interior Hero/Opener Image - Click the file icon File icon, navigate to the /_includes/images folder, and select an image.
       All Carousel Slide images must be 1920 pixels wide and 600 tall (1920x600).
  • Caption Title - Plain text only; 1—8 words
  • Caption Text - Plain text only; 5—15 words
  • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
    Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

4.2 Add Pages

To add one of the page types listed above (excluding the homepage), go to the Cascade menu in the top left corner of the window, then click Add Content > Pages, then select a Page Type.

Cascade Add Content button

Before you customize the page content, there are input fields that must be completed.

Page Name

A Page Name must be assigned to a new page, resulting in the filename.

Page Names

  • are lowercase
  • contain no spaces
  • contain no special characters
  • separate words with dashes or underscores (e.g. emory-university-school-of-medicine)
Examples of correctly and incorrectly named pages

Display Name

The Display Name field is used in several places. It is visible at the very top of the browser window inside the tab.

The page name appears in the web browser tab
  • Some browsers and search engines may display only a portion of the Display Name. The Display Name should be between 65 and 70 characters to avoid these issues.
  • The Display Name is visible on the right-hand navigation of the section and page breadcrumbs.
Display Names are crucial for SEO and should be very specific.

Page Title

The Page Title appears at the top of the page.

Detailed Metadata

Should you need to populate more detailed metadata, switch to the Metadata tab at the top of the page editing interface.

  • Summary: The 360 character summary provides details for the Open Graph Protocol, which enables content to be richly embedded into a social media website such as Facebook or Twitter.
  • Teaser: The 140 character teaser is the excerpt that is pulled into feeds across the web.
  • Description: The 160 character description is shown in search engine results, such as Google or Bing.
  • Alternative Title: This title will override the default title in the top of the web browser window tab.


4.3 Publish/Update Pages

Once the content has been populated and reviewed, the next step is to publish the page(s).

When viewing the page, click on the Publish button, or right click the page in the folder structure and choose Publish. Leave the default options as they are, then hit Submit.

Cascade publish button
Cascade publish button alternative location

Publish job queue

The status of a publish job can be checked using the Publish Queue.

Go to the top right menu and select Publish Queue to see the status.

Cascade bars menu
Cascade publish queue

To confirm the page has been published, go to the Home screen by clicking the Cascade Server logo Cascade server logo and look under the Notifications heading for a confirmation message.

Publish related files (images and documents)

Individual pages may be published which link to an image or document. Individual files may also be manually published.

Reveal page URL

Under the More menu, click "Live" to access the live URL of the page.

Cascade view live URL

4.4 Move/Rename Pages

Warning: Moving or renaming pages or files may cause links to break!

After moving or renaming an asset, check the relationships on the page by clicking More > Relationships. If relationships to other pages exist, re-publish those items.

Consider the following before moving or renaming a page:

  • Do not change the Page Name unless it is absolutely essential.
  • Do not rename pages named "index". This breaks the website navigation.

4.5 Delete Pages

Warning: Deleting pages or files may cause links to break!

Before deleting, check the relationships on the page by clicking More > Relationships. If relationships to other pages exist, change the links before deleting those items.

To delete an item, click on More > Delete.

Cascade delete content
Do not delete pages named "index". This breaks the website navigation.

4.6 Restore Deleted Pages

Cascade pages and assets can be recovered from the Trash.

Access the Trash from the top of the document tree on the left-hand side of the Cascade window.

Cascade Trash

Navigate the table to find the item(s) to restore, check the box(es), then click the arrow icon on top left of the table:

Cascade restore asset

The asset(s) will immediately be restored.

4.7 Restore old version of pages

Once on a Page, Content Block, or File, click More > Versions to access the version history in the menu bar.

Cascade Versions

A list of version dates and authors who previously made changes will appear.

Cascade past versions

Clicking an item from the version history will reveal a preview of that content at that point in time. The menu grants several options to proceed:

Cascade version options

From here, a previous version can be restored.

Versions can be compared in the list view by checking the checkbox next to the chosen version and clicking the backwards arrow icon or eye icon:

Cascade version compare
After activating a previous version, it must be published to go live.

4.8 Organize pages and navigation

After creating a new page, it’s a good idea to check the folder order for the page. In most situations new items will be listed last, but this can be changed.

  1. To see the numeric order of folder contents, right click on the folder and select "view".
  2. In the Order column, make sure the page named index is set at position 1. If it is not at 1, move the mouse to the row that contains "index" to select it, then click on the "Move to Top" button
  3. To see the numeric order of folder contents, right click on the folder and select "view". Click the "Order" header to view assets by folder order rather than alphabetically.
  4. Drag and drop to reorder folder contents.
  5. Publish the entire folder to update the navigation order on all pages.
Cascade organize page orderCascade organize page order drag and drop function
The index file for each folder must be at Order #1. The folder and page order shown here is what determines the order of links that appear in the side navigation.

5. Content Rows

5.1 Content Row Basics

A Content Row is a section located in the main content of a page that contains Content Blocks which make up the individual components on a page, such as:

  • Accordions
  • Card Lists and Card Decks
  • Embedded Media
  • Quotes
  • …and more

While editing a page, scroll down to view the Content Row section. Here you will see a green "plus" Add content row, a red "x" Remove content row, and arrows Rearrange content rows.

5.2 Add Content Rows

Click the green "plus" Add content row to add a new Content Row.

5.3 Rearrange Content Rows

Use the up and down arrows arrows.jpg to move the Content Rows around.

5.4 Delete Content Rows

Click the red "x" Remove content row to delete a Content Row.

6. Content Blocks

6.1 Content Block Basics

Content Blocks are custom reusable components that can be assigned to one or more Content Rows on a page.

Content blocks are located in the _content folder and are typically organized into sections.

Content blocks in a Cascade website

 Content Block availability can differ between Page Types.

6.2 Add Content Blocks

To create a new Content Block, click Add Content > Blocks and choose the desired type.

6.3 Links in Content Blocks

Cascade Page or File

These internal link types send the reader to another part of your Cascade site.

To link to an internal page or file that exists in Cascade, select the text to link and click on the Link icon: Link icon

Click Cascade Page, or Cascade File, then navigate to the page or document to be linked to.

Cascade internal page linkCascade internal file link

There are two options for linking internal assets…

  1. choose an asset that was recently referenced from a list, or
  2. browse through all available assets.

The Recent assets tab is selected by default.

  1. Click on the Browse tab in order to bring up the asset browser:
    Cascade recent assets
  2. Select a link by clicking on the radio button (gray circle) to the left.
  3. Once the link is selected, click Choose in the top right corner.
  4. Last, insert the link with the bottom right Ok button:
    Cascade OK and cancel buttons

External Link

An external link will send the user to a different website than the one they're currently on.

Choose External, then paste in the full URL.

Cascade external page link


Choose the Email option. In the address box, specify the email address and optionally the email subject.


6.4 Types of Content Blocks

6.4.A Accessible Chart

Accessible Charts offer a way to show a labeled image and add the content of the image for readability and accessibility.

Accessible Chart Block
Accessible Chart Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Image Layout: Choose between a half width image aligned to the right or left of the text or a full-width image appearing above the text.
  • Accessible Chart Images must be a minimum of 300 pixels wide. Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
  • Title -  Plain text only; 5-7 words
  • WYSIWYG content - Learn more about the WYSIWYG editor

6.4.B Accordion

Accordions are interactive components that organize related information, text, and images in a collapsible and expandable interface.

Accordion Block
Accordion Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Accordion Section -
    • Heading - Plain text only; 1—10 words
    • WYSIWYG content - Learn more about the WYSIWYG editor
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)
View Accordion demonstration
Less is more: Accordions should not be used to conceal excessively large amounts of content, text, tables, and images. Instead, add only relevant and concise content on webpages.

6.4.C Alternating Image Row

Alternating Image Rows contain a small image, brief accompanying text, and a button link. Each item added will alternate the text and image location from left to right.

Alternating Image Row Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Alternating Image Row Item -
    • Alternating Image Row Images must be a minimum of 300 pixels wide. Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Heading - This is the capitalized text that accompanies each item. Plain text only; 1—10 words
    • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

6.4.D Bio Cards

Bio cards are wrapped in a light gray border. Within, the left column is used to display a vertical portrait photo. In the right column, blocks of text show the name, roles, contact information, and a brief biographical paragraph.

Two-Column Cards
Bio Card Options
  • Heading - This is the descript title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—3 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descript labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Per Card -
    • Bio Card Images must be 200 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall (200x250px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Name
    • Email - Enter a valid email address.
    • Phone - Use the format XXX-XXX-XXXX.
      Do not enter strings of text - only enter a phone number.
    • Role(s) 
    • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph.10—40 words
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
    • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
      • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
      • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
      • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

6.4.E Callout Card

Each card in this row functions as large image link buttons.

Callout Cards
Callout Card Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Per Card -
    • Callout Card Images must be a minimum of 300 pixels wide. Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Title -  Plain text only; 1—5 words
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
    • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
      • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
      • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
      • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)
For the best appearance, maintain consistency with content on a Card layout. Keep word and character counts similar between cards, and image sizes exactly the same.

6.4.F Card Deck

Card Decks are visually interesting components that organize several topics into contained blocks. These can contain a brief text description, thumbnail image, and button links. Cards can vary by size, shape, and color.

Card Deck Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Background Color - Choose between the different color options
  • Per Card -
    • Card Elements - Choose components to include on all cards.
    • Style - Styles can be changed per card. See screenshot above for style examples.
    • Card Deck Images must be 600 pixels wide and 339 pixels tall (600x339px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Subhead - Plain text only; 1—5 words
    • Summary - A brief and descriptive sentence. Plain text only; 5—15 words
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
    • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
      • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
      • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
      • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)
For the best appearance, maintain consistency with content on a Card layout. Keep word and character counts similar between cards, and image sizes exactly the same.

6.4.G Card List

Cards Lists are cards that have lists of items or links within.

Card List Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Per Card -
    • Card Elements - Choose components to include on all cards.
    • Style - Styles can be changed per card.
    • Card List Images must be 600 pixels wide and 339 pixels tall (600x339px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Subhead - Plain text only; 1—5 words
    • Summary - A brief and descriptive sentence. Plain text only; 5—15 words
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
    • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
      • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
      • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
      • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)
For the best appearance, maintain consistency with content on a Card layout. Keep word and character counts similar between cards.

6.4.H Two-Column Cards

These cards contain a floated image to the left of some text.

Two-Column Cards
Two-Column Card Options
  • Heading - This is the descript title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—3 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descript labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Per Card -
    • Two-Column Card Images must be 200 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall (200x250px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Heading - Plain text only; 1—5 words
    • Summary - A brief and descriptive sentence. Plain text only; 5—15 words
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
    • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
      • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
      • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
      • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

6.4.I Full Width Carousel

Full-width Carousels are visually striking animated components that are available on Home and Landing pages. These function as a slideshow and use high-quality photos, optional captions, and optional button links.

Full Width Carousel Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Include Thumbs - Include small thumbnail images of each slide below the carousel.
  • Carousel Slides -
    • Full Width Carousel Images must be 1920 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall (1920x600px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Caption Title - Plain text only; 1—8 words

    • Caption Text - Plain text only; 5—15 words

    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)
View Full Width Carousel demonstration
Full Width Carousel rows may only be used on Landing pages and Home pages

6.4.J Interior Page Carousel

Interior Page Carousels are animated components that supplement page content using high-quality photos and descriptive captions.

Interior Page Carousel Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Include Thumbs - Include small thumbnail images of each slide below the carousel.
  • Carousel Slides -
    • Interior Page Carousel Images must be 1440 pixels wide and 960 pixels tall (1440x960px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
    • Caption Text - Plain text only; 5—15 words

    • Caption Credit - Optional credit to the photographer

  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)
View Interior Page Carousel demonstration
Interior Page Carousel rows may only be used on Interior pages and Article pages

6.4.K Contact Block

Using a Contact Block is an optimal way to organize contact information about a person or organization.

Contact Block Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Contact Group -
    • Name - A caption title and brief text can be added. Plain text only
    • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; max 150 characters
    • Include Field Labels - Adds labels such as "Address" or "Email" in the left column
    • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
      Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".

      • Icon - Select an icon from the Font Awesome repository, click to reveal the icon code, and copy/paste the icon code (e.g. fab fa-accessible-icon) into the textbox

        Font Awesome icon code

  • Fields -
    • Label - Very brief plain text Plain text only; max 50 characters
    • Rich Text content WYSIWYG- Basic text formatting such as bold and italic text

    • Address - Enter one or multiple lines of an address. Links to Google Maps or Mapquest are accepted.
    • Email - Enter a valid email address.
    • Phone - Use the format XXX-XXX-XXXX.
      Do not enter strings of text - only enter a phone number.
    • Social Media - Enter links for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, or Instagram, starting with "https://".
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

6.4.L Icon Row

Icon Rows contain a large blue icon in the top left corner, and brief descriptive text and optional link. The presence of iconography can quickly guide users to their desired content such as contact information, documents, a Log In page, and more, if used properly.

Icon Row Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Icon - Select an icon from the Font Awesome repository, click to reveal the icon code, and copy/paste the icon code (e.g. fab fa-accessible-icon) into the textbox

    Font Awesome icon code

  • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
    Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

6.4.M Info Box

An Info Box should contain supplemental information, such as a useful tip or warning about the current subject matter.

Info Box Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.


  • Background Color - "Geometric" options will now just be the background color. The geometric grid is being removed from this template as of December 2023.
    • - Options available such as:
      • gray
      • blue
      • green
      • yellow
      • red
      • gray geometric
      • Emory blue geometric
      • Emory secondary blue geometric
      • dark green geometric
      • gold geometric
      • red geometric
  • Rich Text content WYSIWYG- Basic text formatting such as bold and italic text

  • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
    Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".

Example of different background color options of the info box:

example of lighter colors of alerts


6.4.N Jumbo

Jumbos are an impactful way to highlight a person, event, location, or idea on a page.

jumbo example
Jumbo Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Background Color - NOTE: "Geometric" options will now just be the background color. The geometric grid is being removed from this template as of December 2023
  • Jumbo Images must be 300 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall (300x300px) Alt text must be entered for accessibility.
  • Subheading - This text is larger than the primary Heading and appears above the WYSIWYG content. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • WYSIWYG content - Learn more about the WYSIWYG editor
  • Button - Buttons require a brief text label and a link to an internal webpage, external webpage, or email address. 
    Do not use non-descript phrases such as "Learn More" or "Click Here".
Jumbo rows may only be used on Landing pages and Home pages

6.4.O Media Embed

Embedding third-party content such as Google Maps or YouTube videos on a page is possible with a Media Embed.

Media Embed Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Media Title - Enter a title for the media item. This is an accessibility requirement. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • Embed Types -
    • YouTube ID - Found in the video URL immediately following the "=" character YouTube ID
    • Vimeo ID - Found in the video URL immediately following ".com/" Vimeo ID
    • Google Maps embed - Click the Share icon on the map. Select "Embed a Map", then "Copy HTML".
      Google Maps embed markup 
    • Paste this markup into the Cascade field. Cascade Google Maps embed field
    • Smugmug Slideshow URL - Smugmug account required.
      Select an album, click a photo to view it, then click the "Share" icon at the top right corner of the screen.
      Smugmug share
      On the Share popup, select "Copy Gallery Link"  and paste into the Smugmug Slideshow URL field.

      To include a button link to the full album, check "Yes" next to "Button Link to Album?". Copy the Gallery Link to the URL field.
      Smugmug gallery link
View Media Embed demonstration

6.4.P News Feed

News Feeds display the latest blog or article posts, with a heading thumbnail images, and a button to view all news.

News Feed Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words

6.4.Q Quote

Use a Quote when quoting a person or institution. The Quote option not only improves SEO but also makes the quote text stand out in a striking manner.

Standard and alternate quote styles
Quote options
  • Style - Choose Standard for a blockquote-style quote with smaller text, or Alternative for larger, italicized text.
  • Quote - A brief paragraph Plain text only; 5—30 words
  • Attribution - A very brief citation in plain-text Plain text only; 1—10 words
Quotes using the Standard Style may only be used on Interior pages.

6.4.R Stat Columns

Stat Columns display large figures with a descriptive snippet underneath.

example of statistics column component
Stat Column Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Statistic - Multiples allowed, two to three recommended.
    • Number - Plain text only; 10—40 words
    • Text Snippet - Plain text only;10—40 words

6.4.S Trumba

Automatically pull in events from a Trumba Calendar, displaying the event name and date.

Trumba Options
  • Heading - This is the descriptive title that appears above the Content Block. Plain text only; 1—10 words
  • ARIA Label - If a Heading is not used, this hidden accessible title must be used instead. Use descriptive labels. Instead of "Getting to Campus", use "Getting to Oxford College Campus" Plain text only; 1—10 words
    Do not use multiple identical ARIA Labels or Headings on a page.
  • Summary - A brief and descriptive paragraph. Plain text only; 10—40 words
  • Calendar Name -
    When signed in to a Trumba account, click the Publish button.
    The Calendar Name appears next to the Unique web name field under the Publish Settings interface.
    Trumba Publish Settings
    The Calendar Name can also be found at the end of the calendar's Trumba URL.
    Trumba calendar URL
  • Number of Events - Display up to 8 events
A Trumba account is required to use this block. Contact John Mills to set up an account.

6.5 Assign Content Blocks

A Content Row must be created before a Content Block can be assigned to it.

  1. In the Content Row, click Choose Block to bring up the folder browser
  2. Navigate to the desired Content Block and click Choose
  3. Submit any desired changes

6.5.A Content Block & Content Row Compatibility

Some Content Blocks may only be placed in either Full-width or Short-width Content Rows.

Content Block and Content Row Compatibility Chart
Content BlockContent Row
Alternating Image Row
Callout Card Row
Card Deck
Card List
Full-width Carousel
Interior Page Carousel
Contact Block
Icon Row
Info Block
Media Embed
News Feed
Quote - Standard Style
Quote - Alternative Style
Trumba Row
Two-column Card Row

6.6 Publishing Content Blocks

Rather than publishing individual Content Blocks, Pages containing those Content Blocks must be published  in order for the assigned Content Blocks to appear.


To determine which pages the Content Blocks are assigned to, use the Relationships tool.

Cascade Content Block relationships
  1. Navigate to the Content Block to be published
  2. Click More > Relationships in the top right corner
  3. Check off individual pages or click Publish All to publish/update the related pages
Pages with Content Blocks may also be published/updated individually.

7. Site-Wide Elements

7.1 Header and Navigation

The Header is located at the top of every page on the website and contains customizable main navigation.

Standard template header

The left side contains mandatory Emory University branding, the site name, and main navigation. On the right is optional auxiliary navigation and mandatory search bar.

Customize main navigation

Edit the Navigation Block at /_content/sitewide/navigation.

Publish changes to Header Navigation

The entire website must be published in order to update the Header Navigation on each page. Right click on the base or topmost folder (name of website) and click Publish.

Publish entire website

7.2 Footer Elements

The Footer is located at the bottom of every page on the website and contains customizable components such as contact information, social media links, and icon links.

Standard template footer

At the top of the footer is the Emory University shield logo. Beneath that is the site name.

Next there is a row of Icon Links that span the width of the Footer.

Below in the left column is a logo or unit signature. The official Emory unit signature element is restricted and may only be assigned by Communications and Public Affairs. For logo creation, contact Emory Creative Services at or WHSC Communications at

Beneath the logo is an address, contact information, and social media links.

The second and third columns may contain custom Menu Navigation Links.

Last, spanning the width of the bottom is the Post Footer which contains Emory University copyright information and a link to jump to the top of the webpage. The Post Footer cannot be modified.

Customize Footer elements

Edit the Footer Block at /_content/sitewide/footer.

  • Site Title - Enter the title of the organization. Plain text only; 1—6 words
  • Contact Information - Optional address, phone, fax, and email fields
  • Social Media - Enter links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Linkedin, or Instagram, starting with "https://".
  • Footer - The Footer contains a placeholder image when a website is first created. The official Emory unit signature element is restricted and may only be assigned by Communications and Public Affairs. Please contact CPA for assistance prior to launching a website.
  • Icon Links -
  • Menu Navigation Links -
  • Rearrange, Add, or Delete -
    • Rearrange Rearrange a section (gray up and down arrows)
    • Add Add a section (green plus icon)
    • Delete Delete a section (red "X" icon)

Publish changes to Footer elements

The entire website must be published in order to update the Footer elements on each page. Right click on the base or topmost folder (name of website) and click Publish.

Publish entire website

7.3 Sections/Directories

New website sections or directories can be added and managed in Cascade.

  1. Create new folder - Click Add Content > Folder in the top left corner of the browser window.
    Cascade add content
  2. Provide folder name - Folder names must…
    • be lowercase, and
    • contain no spaces, and
    • contain no special characters, and
    • separate words with dashes or underscores.
    • Incorrect:  Incorrectly Named Folder
      Correct:  correctly-named-folder
      Cascade create new folder
  3. Add an "index" page -
    1. Click Add Content in the top left corner of the browser window and select a Page Type
    2. Set Page Name to "index"
      Cascade page name
    3. Set Placement Folder to the new folder
    4. Click Submit in the bottom right.

8. Accessibility

8.1 About WCAG & accessibility resources

Emory University Digital Strategy and Design strives to conform to WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards at the AA level. In order to achieve this level of accessibility, the SiteImprove suite is employed on a regular basis to automatically check for errors. However, not every accessibility issue can be detected automatically - content editors and web developers should work together to make websites as compliant as possible.

Accessibility Resources

8.2 Buttons, Links and URLs

8.2.A Button Link Text

Often a button or link will be written out with text that says "Learn More", "Click Here", "Continue Reading", and other similar vague text.

Incorrect button & link text:
Learn More
Click Here


Using vague text in this way is not useful to those who are scanning for links on a webpage, especially for those using assistive technologies.

Correct button & link text:
Learn More about our courses
Go to our store page

Download the comparison chart (PDF)

These examples use specific wording which helps the user to determine exactly what will happen when they click the button or link.

Ensure button & link accessibility
  • Use verbs to describe the action ("go", read", "download", "toggle" etc.).
  • Use nouns to define who, where, or what the link is referring to.

8.2.B URLs Within Text

It is common to place URLs or links inside blocks of WYSIWYG text. In order to maintain text simplicity, legibility, and avoid awkward link breaks, it is best to replace the actual web address text with brief, descriptive text that describes the subject and location of the link.

Incorrect URL text:

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text that can help fill out web and print designs while the final content is still pending. Go to to read more.

Correct URL text:

Lorem ipsum is placeholder text that can help fill out web and print designs while the final content is still pending. A helpful entry about Lorem ipsum on Wikipedia provides more details.

8.2.C Phone and Fax Links

Similar to email address links, telephone and fax numbers have a special protocol that can be inserted into the link. This helps mobile phone users and users who use PC telecommunication software, such as Skype, to simply click or tap the link without having to type out the number. This not only increases the safety for the user (who might be on the road), but it streamlines the dialing process so no typos are made when entering the long string of numbers.

Create a phone or fax link

Prefix tel: to the phone or fax number.

Input: Please call Jane Doe at <a href="tel:11234567890">123 456-7890</a> for more information.
Output: Please call Jane Doe at 123 456-7890 for more information.

Telephone and fax links only visually appear as links on small screens.

8.2.D Heading Links

Put simply, headings <h1><h2><h3><h4><h5> and <h6> cannot be both a heading and a link.

A heading defines a section and topic - any related links, buttons, or URLs should be placed beneath the heading.

8.3 Abbreviations & acronyms

Using abbreviations and acronyms is part of daily speech and writing, especially in higher education. While those who are familiar with the industry may understand these words, many do not. Abbreviations and acronyms can be especially challenging for ESL students or those that primarily speak a language other than English.

Using the <abbr>HTML tag is an ideal way to use acronyms and abbreviations on your pages to improve accessibility to a diverse range of people.

Using <abbr>

Write the whole word or phrase inside the title attribute.

Abbreviation: <abbr title="abbreviation">abbr<abbr> - abbr

Acronym: <abbr title="Young Men's Christian Association">YMCA<abbr> - YMCA

It is only necessary to define an abbreviation or acronym once per page.

9. Launching your Website

9.1 Requesting your Production URL

To request a new URL in the form of, send a request email to DOMAINREQUEST@LISTSERV.CC.EMORY.EDU. More information regarding domain name requests is available at Emory's Policies site. If you already have a URL or are request a URL as a subdomain of a current site, i.e., you do not need to follow these steps.

9.2 Google Analytics

If you do not have a google analytics account, you can put in a ticket at the help desk to tie your Emory netid with a Google account following the guide on this knowledge base article. After your Google account is created, log in to your Google Analytics interface to create a specific analytics account for your site. You can view instructions for creating new analytics accounts on Google's website.

If your site already has an analytics account but you don't have access, follow the Google analytics account recovery instructions.  

Enter your tracker ID under at the /_cms/site-configuration/Site Wide Configuration block. The full site needs to be published after changing these settings.

9.3 Specify Redirects

If you are transitioning from an old to new site, it is extremely important to specify redirects if you have changed your folder structure. Even if pages or directories have been removed, search engines and external websites will have your old links saved, and to avoid user frustration redirects should be provided as much as possible. If you've removed pages or documents you can redirect these old URLs to your new homepage.

Download Excel template for specifying redirects

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